Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Coming Off Antidepressants

The Withdrawal Procedure to Come Off Antidepressant Drugs Safely.

When coming off any antidepressant always reduce slowly and take Omega-3’s or B6 and B12, and definitely some Mg (because it helps to reduce aches) on the day off to support the loss.

Please follow the ≥ 3 months method below.

At 100 mg
·         Take 6 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 5 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 4 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 3 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 2 day
·         Take a day off
·         Take 75 mg 1 day

At 75 mg
·         Take 5 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 4 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 3 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 2 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 1 day
·         Take a day off

50 mg
·         Take 4 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 3 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 2 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 1 day
·         Take a day off

25 mg
·         Take 3 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 2 day
·         Take a day off
·          [Take 1 day Take a day off
·          (5 times)]
·         [Take 1 day Take 2 days off
·          (5 times)]
·         [Take 1day Take 3 days off
·          (X times)]
Until you are well.

* If you can find a good doctor who can drop it to 10 mg that would even be better.

It is quintessential to regularly get your hormone systems tested. 

A thorough evaluation is recommended for everybody. They should make sure to include their hormones immune system, nutritional status, vitamins, and minerals. Hormonal imbalances from an under active thyroid or deficiencies of several nutrients and minerals can affect the energy which can assertively affect the mood and our feelings of wellness.

 Knowing your medical status will definitely be an asset in the possibilities of reducing the dosage to go off the medicine adequately. After taking these tests with the recommendation of a doctor, the results will help you know what natural products may help you.

Personally, after being informed that doctor’s play Russian roulette with the antidepressants they prescribe, I truly feel that people should try natural ways first. Evidently, there are some circumstances that can only be cured with drugs but until you are absolutely sure that it is the case, the doctors should take more time to investigate meticulously.

Someone has already mentioned that if we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back. Similarly, I feel the same way about antidepressants. After taking them, my problems looked like a picnic in the park.

            The system is organized in such a manner that encourages the problem to continue its existence. Within the entire specialists who were supposed to help me, I would hear contradictory information.

In short, your wellness is in the hands of someone who does not always have access to all the data to take the best decisions. In addition, the decision to prescribe drugs is easier for doctors because we live in world where profit precedes the wellness of the patients. 

 Since I am the type of person who always tries to see the good side in everything, even if I say it as a joke, the side effects of antidepressants are so horrifying that your problems do not look so bad anymore. 

And if people say that what does not kill you makes you stronger, after taking antidepressants, you will become a Juggernaut. Now, let’s put the jokes aside, coming off antidepressants has really put the lives of people in real danger. However, there is always a way out.

In this case, therapy is indispensable to see the light out of the tunnel. Despite your background, seeing a therapist is the best thing to do. We all need someone to open up to and that is willing to listen. And most people would love to do it but it is preferable to seek the help of an expert. And even when it is with the help of a professional, make sure that this person cares.

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