Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Stress Management:

On the path to a peaceful life!


The cup master.

 “Wisdom is better than silver and gold”

 Bob Marley

 And to continue on the path of wisdom with great quotes,

 “Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one”
 Bruce Lee

    The best way to be happy and live a stressful life is to remain positive. It takes more energy to hold on to a negative attitude than a positive one. The reason is simple.
 The odds of a negatives event to occur are less than a positive one.

In other words, when you concern yourself with negatives thoughts it’s like holding on to the cup for a very long time. Stress is a part of life and everything we do is a stressful event; it is either positive or negative. 

This is why many thinkers made the conclusion that there is a matter that is more important than the positive and negative polarities. In the end, after extensive reflections, they are interrelated. The only thing that truly matters is how long you allow the stressful cups of life affect you.

Learning to let go in life is essential to a happy life. We are not the things we possess or in the end, they will possess us. Accept it when it gets difficult because it can be the best lesson that you can experience. Sometimes, it’s simply in the approach. For instance, a person may be experiencing a depression but if that individual looks at it like being depressed; yes, I will confess that it can be depressing. However, if the individual looks at it as if it is a phase and that it will go away. It changes everything. Change the way you speak and you will change the way you feel.

You can do this test. Ask someone to put their arms parallel to the floor, close their eyes and say, “I am weak” continually and try to put their arms down. And then tell them to say, “I am the strongest that I have ever been”. You will that the first time the arms will go down, but for the second try, things will be different.

Instead when the person says, “Oh, I guess, I am going through a depression which is usually temporary but I am not depressed. An individual is not a condition; a person goes through conditions without being the condition.

Always put people first if we want to love in a first class society.

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