Tuesday, October 17, 2017

7 ways to eliminate bad breath forever!

Good Oral Care: Live life without halitosis.

Until a good friend who is brave enough to let you know that you suffer from halitosis, you may never know about it.

Everyone one in a while has bad breath, but there are people who live with it permanently.

7 ways to eliminate bad breath:

1-Visit a dentist to assess your oral health
2- Clean your tongue with a tongue cleaner

3-Floss before going to bed
4-Drink more water, or eat fruits or vegetable which hydrates like melons, water melons and celery.

4-Use peroxide and baking soda as toothpaste
5-Brush at least twice a day
6-After each meal gargle with water or mouth wash
7-And if possible reduce or avoid your sugar consumption

One thing that people are unaware of is that toothpaste should be used in ration. The quantity of toothpaste should be as small like green peas on the toothbrush.

Also, you can even make your own mouthwash with lemongrass and cloves. After you let it marinade with water it is a very potent antiseptic that keeps the mouth very clean.

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