Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Spiritual Health


The insightful life of the Prayer Warrior:

 Gran Nin Nine

There are three important things in life:
Forgiveness, Reconciliation & LOVE.
To Forgive you need to live in the PRESENT.
Without Forgiveness there is no Reconciliation.
And without Reconciliation there is no LOVE.

Three are three friends in life:
Money,  People (family, significant other or friends) & GOOD DEEDS.
The first two will eventually disappear.
In contrast, GOOD DEEDS remains
throughout time.
There is a common ground between
We all need both of them.
Every one needs to be listen to, consoled and LOVED.
Regardless of the status of any individual;
We all need LOVE.
You can have all the riches in the world
If you are afraid to do the GOOD DEEDS
You have nothing.
If you do not have LOVE
You are nothing.
« When I was thirsty, you gave Me something to drink

And when I was hungry, you fed Me ! »
« But Lord, when have I done these things? »

« You did all these things when you did it for the smallest of you… »


Love is eternal.
If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
Corinthians, chap. 13

In the end,
None of these things will belong to us!
Not even our own body.
You are not even able to tell it what to do all the time.
If your body is not at your orders
So why would people be at your service
You can only depend on you.

Every day no matter what happens,
Despite if you are tired, discourage or that I have stayed up all night
Get up and activate yourself! 


Every day the alarm clock rings @ 4 am in the morning
And @ 5 am we get up and we activate ourselves.

                  But watch out, always remember: little 

boys & girls are matches!


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