Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Living a healthy life.

Improve your memory

Reduce physical & mental fatigue

Reduce anxiety

Learn about depression and how to live with it

And reduce insomnia

All these conditions can be dealt with naturally. First of all, follow Sun as a guide. Get up when the Sun gets up. And try to sleep as close to when the Sun goes down. The way that we are living is making harder to do but this is the best way to prevent many of these physical and mental conditions. Drink water before you are thirsty because once you are thirsty, it is too late. Eat fruits and vegetables that hydrate the body. For instance, fruits and vegies like melon, water melon, and celery. Before you eat, the first thing you should do is to drink a glass of water or of juice. Many times, we may think that we are hungry while we are just thirsty. The lack of water can start many illnesses in the body; thus, hydrating the body is a great idea.

The other idea is to reduce gluten consumption. The reason is because wheat has been modified and the alteration has been devastating for many people. Despite if it is armless to a person; many athletes have reported to perform better after they have taken it out of their diet. In addition, watch out for milk because we as human being are supposed to drink milk from humans and not animal. Except for cheese because it is modified and the composition is different.  Calcium can also be found from broccoli and other vegetables.

Eat fish twice a week, various nuts, different kinds of mushrooms, and all the seeds that are known to humankind. In short, eat like mice because they are one of the creatures which live a healthy and long life. Their diet is quite remarkable, in short, it is really nutritious. Take natural HGH but be very careful with the synthetic one because that sort is pretty dangerous. Once in while take a few spoon of goji berries in liquid form. It is amazing what it will do for the memory. Also, it is important to incorporate coconut oil, mustard, almond oil in the daily living.

Drink tea such as chaga, reshi, and yarrow tea. There are many spices and plants that are essential to have in a home: lemongrass, cloves, turmeric, and rosemary.


This a list I concocted after watching the Dr Oz show and health professionals.
For Brain: All these seeds replace the bad cholesterol with good fat

****Hemp seeds**** brain cell regeneration fight stress

***Eat one clove every time you can*** omega 3

Coconut oil instead of sugar

Use coconut water or flesh to create milk with soy or almond

Olive Oil mix it coconut oil

Walnut Oil

Oat straw


Oregano Oil

Chia seeds cholesterol

Cremi mushroom headache

Goji berries expensive

Pumpkin seeds serotonin

Butternut squash tryptophan to boost serotonin

& complexe carbohydrate helps to push the protein into the brain

Sesame seeds Omega 3

Omega 7: Anchovies & macadamia nuts

For mood:

***Rosemary*** (also as essential oil)

***Cilantro***: or Coriandre anxiety and insomnia

is good for toxic metal cleansing

anti-anxiety effects, diabetes a blood-sugar lowering effect act as a natural insulin

Strong antioxidant good for any form of stomach discomfort mix with cumin

Anti bacterial & fungal cleansing for the mouth

Good for cold

the leaves were found to have a stronger effect

levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides

K- Manganese Vitamin A, C, Ca, Fe, Beta carotene,

***Lemongrass***: (Citronelle), anxiety strengthens the nerves, toxin cleanser, pain reduction ease spasms and ease healing muscle tissues, good against fever, soar throats, blood circulation, antifungal & antibacterial

Cilantro is good for many things:

Lemongrass has powerful pain relieving properties. It helps to alleviate muscle spasms by relaxing the muscles thereby leading to the reduction of pain-related symptoms. It is thus useful for all types of pain including abdominal pain, headaches, joint pains, muscle pains, digestive tract spasms, muscle cramps, stomachache and others. This remedy has also been linked to increasing the body’s ability to repair damaged connective tissue such as cartilage, ligaments and tendons and is thus recommended for these types of injuries. Another related benefit is for improvements in blood circulation.

As an antifungal and antibacterial, lemongrass inhibits bacteria and yeast growth. For this it is useful for gastrointestinal infections and may also be applied externally to wounds as it fights germs. As an antioxidant lemongrass, contributes to liver and pancreatic health by helping the body to more quickly remove toxins. It has also being linked to lowered or normalized cholesterol levels. It also treat digestive issues including gastro-enteritis and may be helpful in relieving constipation.

Some sources suggest that lemongrass has antidepressant properties and is thus beneficial for nervous and stress-related conditions. It is said to be helpful in alleviating anxiety and depressive symptoms. It helps to strengthen the nervous system and may thus be useful for conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.

The presence of Vitamin A in lemongrass makes it helpful for skin issues such as acne pimples. It helps to brighten the skin and eyes and clear up oily skin thus improving acne. Its antibacterial property is also valuable for skin infections. Lemongrass may improve poor body odor by controlling excessive sweating.

One research conducted at the Ben Gurion University in Israel has found possible benefits of the citral found in lemongrass on cancer. It reveals that this compound may contribute to the death of cancer cells with no noted negative effect on normal cells.

Tumeric, cummin

Hierba Luisa

Cacao tea, chocolate, any nut spread (nutella type)


Vitamin D zinc helps the absorption top zinc sources: oysters cashews, beans, spinach and cocoa powder

Vitamin C reduces stress

My move: Keep arm up move forward and backward left in front right in back vice versa

Can also do it sitting down

Swing arms verticaly

Whey protein isolate

(tryptophane) for regulating sugar

Find in turkey also


Increase testosterone

Oyster, conk, vegetable (looks like lettuce) whichever that contains zinc

Amaranth is vital for building muscle protein and helping the body run

It contains an important amino acid lysine,

contains phytosterols good for many disease

It contains 18g of fiber 1 more than buckwheat

And about 9 X times white rice

Maca (for energy)

Beets, dragon fruit, chick peas

Horse radish

Horn leaves: iron energy

Kamut Zinc for neurotransmitter high in fiber obesity, stroke, heart disease, high blood cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes and digestive disorders such as hemorrhoids, colon cancer, constipation, and duodenal ulcers.

Cooked Napa Cabbage

Palm Hearts

Fireweed Sprouts

Lemon Grass (Citronella)

Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Wasabi Root

Stir-Fried Lentil Sprouts

Winged Bean Tubers

Shiitake Mushrooms

Green Peas


Reduce blood sugar level and digestion (detox):

Using one tea spoon flax seeds on week ends to make a digestive clean up

Coconut water and meat detox

Dandelion thea

Black beans inflammation prevent cancer cells

Gruau au Sarazin (Buckwheat) pasta or flour (fiber)

Vegie powder

Monk fruit instead of sugar

Yakon syrup 100 pure (Good bacteria increase metabolism burn fat)

Cannel instead of sugar

Vinegar b4 meals blocks sugar spikes

Walnut for thyroid and digestion

Ginger (scrape it) with lemon for digestion

Chicoric Acid

Pomegranate antiinflamatoire

Pomegranate seeds vitamin C reduce stress cut down fat

Rice pasta or flour

Teff: control blood sugar levels high in fiber, protein, high in calcium, thiamin and iron

Orange sweet potato as (K) or (mg) body aches

For Sleep:

Pink Noise only if needed

It makes me sleep Oats, chocolate, olive oil or coconut oil

Guna sleep

Banana Tea has Mg (whole banana with skin) drink the water eat the roles

Ease the taste with cinnamon or rosemary

Do mind games Pink noise (from Oz.com)

After 7 pm blue light

Before sleep switch with led light

Blood thinner:

Garlic reduce blood coagulation




Pterostelbine: in blueberries, hyper triglyceride properties, as well as & antioxidant improved the ability to fight off and reverse cognitive decline, anti diabetic

Less than 200-250 mg

Cancer Fighters: Onion, garlic, poireau, lemongrass, Artichoke

Make oat bread and cookies

Reducing Gluten reduces inflammation

Eliminating inflammation  improves health

Aspirin for acne scrape the skin

squash it and make a paste with it

Grain brain

(Jacqueline Lagacé) get the book

F:ungi & fish & fruits (berries, avocados)

O: igion family (garlic, poireau & ginger)

N: uts (macadamia, cashews, noisette)

S:eeds, Spices & Salads (broccoli, kale, bruxelle, cabbage, spinach)

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