Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Do you believe in Karma?
And if you do not here is a story in the link below that may make you wonder:

And share with us if this story stays in your mind for a long time.
The Emerging Young Adult


Despite how strong you are, like ants are known for, this is how the fight  against big corporations actually looks like. In this bout,  the little guy is going to get crushed and at end of this movie the dead bug will not get the female ant. Lately in the world, this is the thousand word illustration which represents best the situation. 

Without ever being new, this has been the interpretation that men with greed and vanity have selectively preferred to understand the rules. The game has never been fair for those who try to play by the rules. Furthermore, those who have all the power know how to navigate in the obsessive waters of their greed with best the lawyers their money can afford. 

Until the less and unlikely day money breaks up with the law, the truth will keep being as invisible as Caspar the friendly ghost..  This really changes the meaning of being there even if you do not see me.

Now the question that I wanted to ask the readers is,

“ How do you feel about stopping bullies while we are living in a world who directly or indirectly support Corporate bullying? 


Within the documentary DANGERS OF FOOD PROCESSING THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE US FAT, we learn that major corporations are playing an unfair game by conditioning us to want their products. They use unfair tactics to get us addicted. The best example is how young kids would be able to spot any giant M form McDonald before you could say Ronald. It is to the point that if I was babysitting any young children I would train that if they ever get lost to go to and wait in  McRonald Park. I really think that McDonald should have such a program. 

            Aside from the big law firms that they have under their payroll, major companies have enough money to put people who share their views on the payroll.  Most people feel bad and think that it is their fault that they are really unable to do anything about their weight. 

In spite of the fact that each person is responsible for his health, it is unfathomable that there are people who strive to make a profit by selling harmful produce. With our demanding schedules, the time to make all the research necessary to understand what goes in our body is an ongoing decline. Also, when we finally do get the time, a new research comes to contradict the previous practices that we have gruelingly learned to embrace.

            These concepts are so confusing that people have no idea where to turn. In the end, they get fattter and most studies support that people who are over weight become easily the target of bullies because on the other side dieting companies who constantly remind people that they should go on a diet and that being over weight is out of the norm. It's a set-up for failure on both side.


"My God I got to check my weight".

            After a study with 800 children, the researcher established that their excess of weight contributed for them to get picked on 65 % more than the other adolescents. This is what they discovered when they compare the BMI of the children. The study clearly showed that there was a correlation between bullying and obesity. Several big companies contributed to the problem. 

As a result, I concluded that the all to high pressures of major corporation in their quick fix solutions to weight loss contributed to bullying. In addition, these while these young adults were struggling to lose the extra pounds,  they also found themselves amidst a crisis identity which took their focus away from ways to handle with bullying. Beside, they have grown so accustomed to intimidation that they sadly thought that it was normal like hazing only happens during the first week of College or University. 


          Fed Up 2014 Official Trailer - Michele Simon

Major companies are here to make a profit. You would think that keeping healthy customer was a concern, and yet this could not have been further from the truth. This is what bullying is. When someone is willing to put you in a bad situation to get something from you; in this case it was the consumer’s money. When money was on the scale, it became very clear that the customer's weight would not tilt in their favor. And playing fair was never part of the game plan.

-Where do you get your information on how to remain healthy?

-How committed are you to fight against their unfair tactics?

Coming Off Antidepressants

The Withdrawal Procedure to Come Off Antidepressant Drugs Safely.

When coming off any antidepressant always reduce slowly and take Omega-3’s or B6 and B12, and definitely some Mg (because it helps to reduce aches) on the day off to support the loss.

Please follow the ≥ 3 months method below.

At 100 mg
·         Take 6 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 5 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 4 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 3 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 2 day
·         Take a day off
·         Take 75 mg 1 day

At 75 mg
·         Take 5 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 4 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 3 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 2 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 1 day
·         Take a day off

50 mg
·         Take 4 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 3 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 2 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 1 day
·         Take a day off

25 mg
·         Take 3 days
·         Take a day off
·         Take 2 day
·         Take a day off
·          [Take 1 day Take a day off
·          (5 times)]
·         [Take 1 day Take 2 days off
·          (5 times)]
·         [Take 1day Take 3 days off
·          (X times)]
Until you are well.

* If you can find a good doctor who can drop it to 10 mg that would even be better.

It is quintessential to regularly get your hormone systems tested. 

A thorough evaluation is recommended for everybody. They should make sure to include their hormones immune system, nutritional status, vitamins, and minerals. Hormonal imbalances from an under active thyroid or deficiencies of several nutrients and minerals can affect the energy which can assertively affect the mood and our feelings of wellness.

 Knowing your medical status will definitely be an asset in the possibilities of reducing the dosage to go off the medicine adequately. After taking these tests with the recommendation of a doctor, the results will help you know what natural products may help you.

Personally, after being informed that doctor’s play Russian roulette with the antidepressants they prescribe, I truly feel that people should try natural ways first. Evidently, there are some circumstances that can only be cured with drugs but until you are absolutely sure that it is the case, the doctors should take more time to investigate meticulously.

Someone has already mentioned that if we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back. Similarly, I feel the same way about antidepressants. After taking them, my problems looked like a picnic in the park.

            The system is organized in such a manner that encourages the problem to continue its existence. Within the entire specialists who were supposed to help me, I would hear contradictory information.

In short, your wellness is in the hands of someone who does not always have access to all the data to take the best decisions. In addition, the decision to prescribe drugs is easier for doctors because we live in world where profit precedes the wellness of the patients. 

 Since I am the type of person who always tries to see the good side in everything, even if I say it as a joke, the side effects of antidepressants are so horrifying that your problems do not look so bad anymore. 

And if people say that what does not kill you makes you stronger, after taking antidepressants, you will become a Juggernaut. Now, let’s put the jokes aside, coming off antidepressants has really put the lives of people in real danger. However, there is always a way out.

In this case, therapy is indispensable to see the light out of the tunnel. Despite your background, seeing a therapist is the best thing to do. We all need someone to open up to and that is willing to listen. And most people would love to do it but it is preferable to seek the help of an expert. And even when it is with the help of a professional, make sure that this person cares.

Interesting sites to take a look at:

Les Bienfaits des Bonnes Actions Sur la Santé

Quel a été la B.A de la journée qui vous a


Dans le monde que nous vivons, il est parfois difficile de faire une bonne action par peur de sentir que l’on profite de nous.

Sauf que le fait est que lorsque quelqu’un s’affirme par un geste  de béatitude, il n’y a aucune autre chose qui réchauffe aussi bien le cÅ“ur.
Alors, pour ceux qui ont été témoin de ce don qui descend droit du ciel, et peu importe si cela c’est passé il y’a un an, partagez votre histoire avec le reste du monde qui a besoin de cette douceur exotique.

Stress Management:

On the path to a peaceful life!


The cup master.

 “Wisdom is better than silver and gold”

 Bob Marley

 And to continue on the path of wisdom with great quotes,

 “Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one”
 Bruce Lee

    The best way to be happy and live a stressful life is to remain positive. It takes more energy to hold on to a negative attitude than a positive one. The reason is simple.
 The odds of a negatives event to occur are less than a positive one.

In other words, when you concern yourself with negatives thoughts it’s like holding on to the cup for a very long time. Stress is a part of life and everything we do is a stressful event; it is either positive or negative. 

This is why many thinkers made the conclusion that there is a matter that is more important than the positive and negative polarities. In the end, after extensive reflections, they are interrelated. The only thing that truly matters is how long you allow the stressful cups of life affect you.

Learning to let go in life is essential to a happy life. We are not the things we possess or in the end, they will possess us. Accept it when it gets difficult because it can be the best lesson that you can experience. Sometimes, it’s simply in the approach. For instance, a person may be experiencing a depression but if that individual looks at it like being depressed; yes, I will confess that it can be depressing. However, if the individual looks at it as if it is a phase and that it will go away. It changes everything. Change the way you speak and you will change the way you feel.

You can do this test. Ask someone to put their arms parallel to the floor, close their eyes and say, “I am weak” continually and try to put their arms down. And then tell them to say, “I am the strongest that I have ever been”. You will that the first time the arms will go down, but for the second try, things will be different.

Instead when the person says, “Oh, I guess, I am going through a depression which is usually temporary but I am not depressed. An individual is not a condition; a person goes through conditions without being the condition.

Always put people first if we want to love in a first class society.

Spiritual Health


The insightful life of the Prayer Warrior:

 Gran Nin Nine

There are three important things in life:
Forgiveness, Reconciliation & LOVE.
To Forgive you need to live in the PRESENT.
Without Forgiveness there is no Reconciliation.
And without Reconciliation there is no LOVE.

Three are three friends in life:
Money,  People (family, significant other or friends) & GOOD DEEDS.
The first two will eventually disappear.
In contrast, GOOD DEEDS remains
throughout time.
There is a common ground between
We all need both of them.
Every one needs to be listen to, consoled and LOVED.
Regardless of the status of any individual;
We all need LOVE.
You can have all the riches in the world
If you are afraid to do the GOOD DEEDS
You have nothing.
If you do not have LOVE
You are nothing.
« When I was thirsty, you gave Me something to drink

And when I was hungry, you fed Me ! »
« But Lord, when have I done these things? »

« You did all these things when you did it for the smallest of you… »


Love is eternal.
If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
Corinthians, chap. 13

In the end,
None of these things will belong to us!
Not even our own body.
You are not even able to tell it what to do all the time.
If your body is not at your orders
So why would people be at your service
You can only depend on you.

Every day no matter what happens,
Despite if you are tired, discourage or that I have stayed up all night
Get up and activate yourself! 


Every day the alarm clock rings @ 4 am in the morning
And @ 5 am we get up and we activate ourselves.

                  But watch out, always remember: little 

boys & girls are matches!


7 ways to eliminate bad breath forever!

Good Oral Care: Live life without halitosis.

Until a good friend who is brave enough to let you know that you suffer from halitosis, you may never know about it.

Everyone one in a while has bad breath, but there are people who live with it permanently.

7 ways to eliminate bad breath:

1-Visit a dentist to assess your oral health
2- Clean your tongue with a tongue cleaner

3-Floss before going to bed
4-Drink more water, or eat fruits or vegetable which hydrates like melons, water melons and celery.

4-Use peroxide and baking soda as toothpaste
5-Brush at least twice a day
6-After each meal gargle with water or mouth wash
7-And if possible reduce or avoid your sugar consumption

One thing that people are unaware of is that toothpaste should be used in ration. The quantity of toothpaste should be as small like green peas on the toothbrush.

Also, you can even make your own mouthwash with lemongrass and cloves. After you let it marinade with water it is a very potent antiseptic that keeps the mouth very clean.